Monday, December 29, 2014

"If it's the mountains' bending rivers
Then you will have them.
If it's the wish to run away, then I will grant it.
Take whatever what you think of,
while I go gas up the truck.
Pack the old love letters up, 
We will read them when we forget why we left here." 

Monday, December 15, 2014

Prone to wander.

I would like for a large part of my life to be spent driving through beautiful places. Maybe sometimes I could stop for 20 minutes or so to sit and look. That's what I would like.
When I have nothing pressing to do, and time isn't being it's usual fleeting self, I sometimes drive nowhere. I drive to my favorite valley, or tiny town and sit for a few minutes. Sometimes I don't even get out of my car. I just park and roll down my windows.
Last year I went on a weekend trip with a few friends.. our stay in the place was okay, but nothing special. On the way home I pulled off the highway and drove a few miles to this lake. We only stayed maybe twenty minutes.

The way home was best part of the trip


"If it's this place or any other, it's not where I am, it's who I'm with. "

Sunday, December 14, 2014

-Vincent Van Gogh 

Maybe not so grand attempts. The second one I moved the camera a bit. was on purpose.