Saturday, March 21, 2015

“You know I'm old in some ways-in others-well, I'm just a little girl. I like sunshine and pretty things and cheerfulness-and I dread responsibility.” -F. Scott Fitzgerald 

I haven't gotten out my camera in a while. Shame. I get far too lazy sometimes with it and just grab my phone instead. Mental note to do better.  It's been mostly dreary and dark lately, but there have been a few sunny days recently. Most days the dreary doesn't bother me. I've always liked rain. 
It is nice to have some sun though, and I'm sure it's good for my mental and physical state to get some vitamin D after a winter spent inside. 

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Dust of Snow
The way a crow
Shook down on me
The dust of snow
From a hemlock tree
Has given my heart 
A change of mood
And saved some part
Of a day I had rued. 

-Robert Frost 

Right now last year I was taking pictures of daffodils that had sprung up in my garden.. This year I went out and walked in the most snow we've had in Georgia since the blizzard of 1993. 

I like that weather is unpredictable. I was dearly missing the summer all week; I was dreaming of summer storms, beach walks and woodsy picnics. Maybe it was something to do with the 60+ hour work week I had been scheduled for and was dreading. The good lord must have seen fit that take a little time off, because I've been at home more this week because of snow than I have in a long time. 
It's reminded me to be happy in the season I'm in and not wish for another. ..not saying I won't need reminded of that in mid March- the month that never ends. 

I did build a snowman.. he's of modest size, but slightly larger than he looks in this picture.. he's about hip hight on me.